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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


A Graphical Classification of European Countries According to Physical Activity Level of Its Citizens

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1103195, PP. 1-11

Subject Areas: Statistics, Sports Science, Public Health, Applied Statistical Mathematics

Keywords: Physical Activity, Health, Europe, Data Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling

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Data on self-reported frequency of exercising or playing sport of adults aged 15 and above in 27 EU countries were collected, from the European Commission’s Special Eurobarometer. A graphical output was obtained using classical a statistical methodology known as metric Multidimensional Scaling method to better define the interrelationships between a large set of variables for the data from the 27 European countries and “average” country included in the study. People in Sweden, Denmark and Finland had the highest level of exercise and playing sport level. High level of exercise and play sport level were detected in Slovenia, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, the United Kingdom and France while low level of exercise and play sport level were found in Romania, Hungary, Italy, Poland and Portugal. The lowest level of exercise and play sport was observed in Bulgaria and Greece. The groups of countries that result from this classification also are characterized by the extent of the difference between the lowest levels of activity (never practising) and the highest (regularly practising); Austria, Czech Republic and Slovakia, have the highest proportion of people who seldom practising. In 4 countries, Ireland, Malta, Republic of Cyprus and Portugal, the proportion of citizens who practice exercise or play sport regularly or never (extreme behaviour) is high. This study shows what a high level and regularly of exercise and playing sport are associated with adults participating in education and training, satisfaction with household financial situation and kind of work activity.

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Ríos, D. , Monleón-Getino, T. , Cubedo, M. and Ríos, M. (2016). A Graphical Classification of European Countries According to Physical Activity Level of Its Citizens. Open Access Library Journal, 3, e3195. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1103195.


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