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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Mutual Interactions between the Mechanisms Maintenance Stability Internal Energy of the Open Thermodynamic Systems of “Alive Organisms” and Thermodynamic System of Atmosphere

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1102328, PP. 1-8

Subject Areas: Biophysics

Keywords: The First Law of Thermodynamics, Stability an Organism’s Internal Energy, Stability Thermodynamic System Atmosphere, Stability an Open Thermodynamic System of an Organism, Prigogine Theorem, Glansdorff-Prigogine Theory

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The development of an organism from its birthday down to its death was elucidated via fluctuations entropy from organism’s formation down to organism’s death using Glansdorff-Prigogine theory. The stability Internal Energy and Internal Medium of organisms were presented by the stable biochemical and biophysical indices which are regulated as by three levels of regulation, as well as by cellular capacitors operations. Besides estimating the mutual influences mechanism stability of open non equilibrium non linear thermodynamic system of organisms and the mechanism stability thermodynamic system Atmosphere, the maintenance mechanisms stability Internal Energy of these thermodynamic systems were explained via use of famous Prigogine theorem and also Einstein formula. Also the mechanisms stability Internal Energy both an open thermodynamic systems organism and thermodynamic system Atmosphere induce balance catabolic exoergonic & anabolic endoergonic processes of these thermodynamic systems. Thus flows energy of both open thermodynamic systems organisms and thermodynamic system Atmosphere were shared into flows of catabolic exoergonic energy and anabolic endoergonic energy. Also it was proved that the flows of anabolic energy for exerting mechanism stability Internal Energy both Organisms and Atmosphere occur due to Life and Death of Organisms. Besides the flows of anabolic endoergonic energy were shared into flows of Plants anabolic energy, Animals anabolic energy and Human anabolic energy. Thus there was made the assumption that the flows Human anabolic energy between Human organisms and Atmosphere due to men’s Life and Death can be identified as movements of human souls between Life and Death of organisms, i.e. immortality of human souls.

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Ponizovskiy, M. R. (2016). Mutual Interactions between the Mechanisms Maintenance Stability Internal Energy of the Open Thermodynamic Systems of “Alive Organisms” and Thermodynamic System of Atmosphere. Open Access Library Journal, 3, e2328. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1102328.


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