Contemporary scientific view of micro- and
macro-world was built on a chain of successive hypotheses, each link of which
has no reliable evidence. The examples of scientific concepts “Big Bang” and “neutrino”
show the formation of erroneous hypotheses that lead to the emergence of these
concepts. In addition, the accepted hypotheses lead to the emergence of new
objects of scientific vision of the world, which in the real world are absent.
The paper proves the fallacy of hypotheses about the dependence of mass on velocity,
about particles of light, about light speed of gravity propagation, about “Black
holes”, about gravitational waves etc. This paper is the introduction to the
book1, which, in turn, based on the book “The Electromagnetic and
Gravitational Actions (The Non-Relativistic Tractates)”. The last book was
published 20 years ago and aroused great interest among readers. However, the
developed methods in the book are not used in physics due to misconceptions
about essence of science. The paper states a brief review of the book. This paper, as well as the book, will
be useful to physicists, students, senior pupils and everyone who is interested in the scientific worldview.
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