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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


KASTAMONU TARHANASI MALZEMELER?NDEN DARAK DALI VE FESLE?EN?N TOPLAM ANT?OKS?DAN KAPAS?TE, TOPLAM FENOL?K B?LE??KLER VE TOPLAM FLAVONO?D MADDE M?KTARLARI/ Total Antioxidant Capacity, Total Phenolic Compounds and Total Flavonoid Amounts Of Darak Dal? And Basil which are Materials of Tarhana Soup of Kastamonu

DOI: /10.25279/sak.355048, PP. 171-184

Subject Areas: Nutrition, Toxicology

Keywords: Kastamonu, Tarhana, Dill, Basil, Antioxidant Capacity.

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In this study, total phenolic compounds, total flavonoid substances and total antioxidant capacities of dried darak dal? (Dill=Anethumgraveolens L.) and basil (Ocimumbasilicum) stalks with seed grown in the central villages of Kastamonu province, to use in the production of Tarhana and sold in local markets were determined. Seeds and stalks were analyzed separately. The average total phenolic compound, total flavonoid substance and total antioxidant capacities for the darak dal? were founded as 2.89 mg GAE (gallic acid equivalent)/g seed, 3,28 mg GAE/g stalk; 7.38 mg QE (quercetin equivalent)/g seed, 8.85 mg QE/g stalk and 7.03 mg AE (ascorbic acid equivalent)/g seed,8.48 mg AE/g stalk. The average total phenolic compound, total flavonoid substance and total antioxidant capacities of basil seeds and stalks were determined as 5,19 mg GAE/g seed, 4,11 mg GAE/g stalk; 9,84 mg QE/g seed, 6.02 mg QE/g stalk, and 8,30 mg AE/g seed 7.92 mg AE/g stalk. Although total flavonoid substance and total antioxidant capacity contents of the stems of dill were found to be significantly higher compared to the seeds, the total flavonoid substance and total phenolic compound contents of basil seeds were found to be statistically higher than the stems (p?0,05). In addition, the total phenolic compound and total antioxidant capacity contents of basil seeds were found to be significantly higher than dill seeds (p?0.05).

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??L?, N. (2018). KASTAMONU TARHANASI MALZEMELER?NDEN DARAK DALI VE FESLE?EN?N TOPLAM ANT?OKS?DAN KAPAS?TE, TOPLAM FENOL?K B?LE??KLER VE TOPLAM FLAVONO?D MADDE M?KTARLARI/ Total Antioxidant Capacity, Total Phenolic Compounds and Total Flavonoid Amounts Of Darak Dal? And Basil which are Materials of Tarhana Soup of Kastamonu. Health Academy Kastamonu, e783. doi: http://dx.doi.org//10.25279/sak.355048.


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