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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Tobacco smoking, oxidative stress and cancer: a review

DOI: -, PP. 7626-7633

Subject Areas: Biochemistry, Oncology

Keywords: Tobacco smoke, free radicals, reactive oxygen species, oxidative stress, cancer

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Tobacco smoke contains mutagenic chemicals that are in the “probably carcinogenic” or “possibly carcinogenic” categories. In addition to free radicals, cigarette smoke is also rich in combustion toxic gases that can reach a very high concentration and become involved in more radical formation. Tobacco smoke contains a mixture of chemicals, including a host of reactive oxygen species (ROS), among others, that can damage cellular and sub-cellular targets, such as lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. A growing body of evidence supports a key role for smoking-induced ROS and the resulting oxidative stress in inflammation and carcinogenesis. Smoking is one of the causes of the incidence and mortality of cancer in the world. This study aimed to review the relationship between smoking and especially the use of cigarettes with common cancers of various organs of the body. In addition to free radicals, cigarette smoke is also rich in combustion toxic gases that can reach a very high concentration and become involved in more radical formation. Smoking increases the risk of cancers of the lungs, bladder, cervix, kidney, larynx (voice box), pharynx (upper throat), nose, mouth, oesophagus (foodpipe), pancreas, stomach, liver and some types of leukaemia. Within this review article we will focus on the correlation between smoking and oxidative stress and the role of smoking in increasing the risk of cancer.

Cite this paper

PASUPATHI, P. (2023). Tobacco smoking, oxidative stress and cancer: a review. International Journal of Biological & Medical Research , e4944. doi: http://dx.doi.org/-.


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