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ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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-  2019 

Polyvinylpyrrolidone Nanofibers Encapsulating an Anhydrous Preparation of Fluorescent SiO2–Tb3+ Nanoparticles

DOI: 10.3390/nano9040510

Keywords: terbium complex, silica, electrospinning, fluorescence, lifetime

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A novel anhydrous preparation of silica (SiO2)-encapsulated terbium (Tb3+) complex nanoparticles has been investigated. The SiO2-Tb3+ nanoparticles are incorporated in electrospun polyvinylpyrrolidone hybrid nanofibers. Transmission electron microscopy confirms that Tb3+ complexes are uniformly and stably encapsulated in or carried by nanosilica. The influence of pH on the fluorescence of Tb3+ complexes is discussed. The properties, composition, structure, and luminescence of the resulting SiO2–Tb3+ hybrid nanoparticles are investigated in detail. There is an increase in the fluorescence lifetime of SiO2–Tb3+ nanoparticles and SiO2–Tb3+/polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) hybrid nanofibers compared with the pure Tb3+ complexes. Due to the enhanced optical properties, the fluorescent hybrid nanofibers have potential applications as photonic and photoluminescent materials


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