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ISSN: 2333-9721
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-  2019 

Platelet factor 4-containing immune complexes induce platelet activation followed by calpain-dependent platelet death

DOI: 10.1038/s41420-019-0188-0

Keywords: Mechanisms of disease, Autoimmunity

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Platelets were incubated for 15?min (light bars) and 60?min (dark bars) under the following conditions: untreated platelets (negative control), platelets treated with the KKO/PF4 and RTO/PF4 complexes, KKO, RTO, and PF4 alone as well as Ca2+-ionophore A23187 (positive control). Final concentrations: 10?μg/ml PF4, 50?μg/ml KKO, and RTO, 10?μM Ca2+-ionophore. a Annexin V-positive platelets as a fraction of all gated platelets taken as 100%: untreated platelets (n?=?17/13 for 15?min/60?min, respectively), KKO/PF4 (n?=?16/13), RTO/PF4 (n?=?3/3), KKO (n?=?16/13), RTO (n?=?3/3), PF4 (n?=?16/13), and A23187 (n?=?14/12). b CD62P-positive platelets as a fraction of all gated platelets taken as 100%: untreated platelets (n?=?8/7), KKO/PF4 (n?=?8/7), RTO/PF4 (n?=?3/3), KKO (n?=?8/7), RTO (n?=?3/3), PF4 (n?=?8/7), and A23187 (n?=?8/7). c Number of CD41- and Annexin V-double-positive microvesicles normalized by the total number of gated platelets in the corresponding sample: untreated platelets (n?=?8/9), KKO/PF4 (n?=?8/9), RTO/PF4 (n?=?3/4), KKO (n?=?8/9), RTO (n?=?3/4), PF4 (n?=?8/9), and A23187 (n?=?8/9). “n” is the number of experiments with platelets from independent donors. *P?<?0.05 compared to a corresponding negative control. The differences between 15 and 60?min are insignifican


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