- 2019
Hyperglycemia exacerbates acetaminophen-induced acute liver injury by promoting liver-resident macrophage proinflammatory response via AMPK/PI3K/AKT-mediated oxidative stressDOI: 10.1038/s41420-019-0198-y Keywords: Acute inflammation, Kupffer cells Abstract: Hyperglycemic (streptozotocin, STZ) and control (CON) mice were prepared as described in “Materials and methods” section. APAP-induced acute liver injury or a sham procedure was performed. a Blood glucose levels were measured in both groups (n?=?6/group). b, c Liver injury was evaluated 24?h post APAP treatment in terms of serum AST and ALT levels (n?=?6/group). d Liver injury was evaluated in terms of liver histopathology. Representative of six mice/group. e TUNEL staining of liver sections (original magnification ×200). DAPI was used for nuclear staining. Representative of six mice/group. f The ratio of TUNEL-positive cells in different experimental groups (n?=?6/group). g Bcl-2, Bcl-xL, and β-actin protein levels were measured by western blot. Representative of three experiments (mean?±?SD, *p?<?0.05