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-  2018 

Oversample Reconstruction Based on a Strong Inter-Diagonal Matrix for an Optical Microscanning Thermal Microscope Imaging System
Oversample Reconstruction Based on a Strong Inter-Diagonal Matrix for an Optical Microscanning Thermal Microscope Imaging System

DOI: 10.15918/j.jbit1004-0579.201827.0109

Keywords: optical microscanning strong inter-diagonal matrix oversample reconstruction thermal microscope imaging system
optical microscanning strong inter-diagonal matrix oversample reconstruction thermal microscope imaging system

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Based on a strong inter-diagonal matrix and Taylor series expansions, an oversample reconstruction method was proposed to calibrate the optical micro-scanning error. The technique can obtain regular 2×2 microscanning undersampling images from the real irregular undersampling images, and can then obtain a high spatial oversample resolution image. Simulations and experiments show that the proposed technique can reduce optical micro-scanning error and improve the system's spatial resolution. The algorithm is simple, fast and has low computational complexity. It can also be applied to other electro-optical imaging systems to improve their spatial resolution and has a widespread application prospect.
Based on a strong inter-diagonal matrix and Taylor series expansions, an oversample reconstruction method was proposed to calibrate the optical micro-scanning error. The technique can obtain regular 2×2 microscanning undersampling images from the real irregular undersampling images, and can then obtain a high spatial oversample resolution image. Simulations and experiments show that the proposed technique can reduce optical micro-scanning error and improve the system's spatial resolution. The algorithm is simple, fast and has low computational complexity. It can also be applied to other electro-optical imaging systems to improve their spatial resolution and has a widespread application prospect.


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