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Seeing Through a Different LENS: Can Applying a Learning Strategy to Video Viewing Deepen Self-Reflection of Pre-Service Teachers?

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1103261, PP. 1-9

Keywords: Video, Technology in Education, Reflection in Education, Teacher Education, Learning Strategies, Dispositions, Pre-Service Teacher Training, Teacher Preparation

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The use of video for self-reflection in teacher preparation programs is used to promote self-reflection in knowledge, skills and dispositions for teaching. This study investigates the effect of a learning strategy used with video viewing to determine if the strategy aids in the thinking process which occurs while reflecting. A written self-reflection to a video was compared between 40 pre-service teachers that did not have access to the learning strategy and 25 pre-service teachers that were provided with a learning strategy. The results indicated that the learning strategy improved the quality of self-reflection responses and that learning strategies may be beneficial aids for metacognitive processes while self-reflecting.


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