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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


0-1 HEDEF PROGRAMLAMA Y?NTEM? KULLANILARAK HEM??RE ??ZELGELEME PROBLEM?N?N ??ZüMü/ Solution of The Nurse Scheduling Problem Using 0-1 Goal Programming Method

DOI: 10.25279/sak.383756, PP. 148-170

Subject Areas: Information Science

Keywords: Hospital management, nurse scheduling, 0-1 goal programming

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In recent years, both customer satisfaction in production systems and service systems have become more difficult. Employers who seek ways to increase their competitive strength have sought to provide satisfaction to the service provider first. The shift system was established because the hospitals were serving 24/7. However, it is seen that the workers who end up in a wrong or unfair shift system are adversely affected physically and psychologically. Generally, the chief nurse is responsible for scheduling the shift system in line with the hours of the hospital Problems encountered in everyday life can have multiple purposes to be realized. In such situations, the goal programming method developed for providing more than one target at the same decision stage is an advantageous method. In this study, a goal programming method is used that allows more than one target to be satisfied for the type of problem addressed and allows flexibility in these goals. In this type of problem, a chart was created that would eliminate the imbalances in the shift system and at the same time allow some special cases of the nurses. A model was established with 0-1 goal programming using data from a state hospital. According to the results obtained, the objectives to be achieved have been achieved and a fair and balanced schedule has been established.

Cite this paper

Uslu, B. , Bedir, N. , Gür, ?. and Eren, T. (2018). 0-1 HEDEF PROGRAMLAMA Y?NTEM? KULLANILARAK HEM??RE ??ZELGELEME PROBLEM?N?N ??ZüMü/ Solution of The Nurse Scheduling Problem Using 0-1 Goal Programming Method. Health Academy Kastamonu, e784. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.25279/sak.383756.


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