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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


The Technology in the Programs of Life Sciences in Turkey and Sachunterricht in Germany

DOI: -, PP. 10-15

Subject Areas: Demography, Information Science, Education, Sociology, Linguistics

Keywords: Life Sciences, Sachunterricht, technology

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The purpose of this study is to compare the gains of the Life Sciences program in Turkey and the Life sciences program (Sachunterricht) used in the state of Niedersachsen in Germany. The study aiming to compare the technology-related acquisitions in Life sciences program in Turkey and Germany is a comparative education research that used qualitative method and descriptive approach. In the study, the Sachunterricht (Life sciences) course’s technology acquisitions and the use of technology in Germany were briefly mentioned and then the differences were evaluated by comparing to the usage of Life sciences course technology in Turkey. It was found that, the acquisition groups in Germany focus on technical perception and solving of the problems, describing the use of simple materials, having basic knowledge about transportation of wastes, having knowledge about the assembly, being well-informed about the effects of technical inventions, and becoming familiar with the energy and water supply. When the related gains were examined, the gains in the production area were observed to remain superficial in the Life sciences program according to the Sachunterricht program. The students in the Life sciences program only have a role to observe production, while the students are performing the production itself in the Sachunterricht program.

Cite this paper

Keskin, T. (2017). The Technology in the Programs of Life Sciences in Turkey and Sachunterricht in Germany. International Technology and Education Journal, e1790. doi: http://dx.doi.org/-.


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