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ISSN: 2333-9721
APC: Only $99


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The corrosion resistance and microstructure of UBM system-deposited Nb xSi yNz thin films

Keywords: corrosion, diffraction, spectroscopy, fluorescence, microstructure, microscopy, race track, x ray, thin film, sputtering, polarisation.

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nbxsiynz thin film nanostructure was grown using the unbalanced magnetron sputtering (ubm) technique with varying si content. corrosion resistance was evaluated by potentiodynamic polarisation technique in a 3% nacl solution. microstructure was analysed by x-ray diffraction (xrd), scanning electron microscopy (sem) and laser scanning microscopy. chemical composition was ascertained by x-ray fluorescence (xrf) technique. the results showed that deposition rates increased with higher si content. a micro-structural change was observed for greater than 5% si content through the transition from a crystalline to an amorphous structure in the thin films. corrosion test results demonstrated that the thin films having the highest silicon content had better corrosion resistance.


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