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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Utilisation of Robotic Systems in Automating Manufacturing Applications While Reducing the Amount of Labour and Production Costs and Time Associated With the Process

DOI: 10.36647/TTIRAS/02.01.A004, PP. 20-26

Subject Areas: Environmental Sciences

Keywords: Articulated robots, automation process, cost, cyber security, Delta robot, labour, manufacturing industry, robotic process automation (RPA), robotic system, time

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This article is based on the robotic system in automating manufacturing applications and industry. Robotics is the assembles of various kinds of technology, devices, and others kinds of mechanisms. Cameras, sensors, artificial voice, microphones, and motors are the fundamental requirement that needs scientists to build a robot. Automating manufacturing applications helps to boost productivity and also creates a modern industrial aspect. Robotics provides opportunities to build an updated working place. It can able to reduce production costs and also provides technical knowledge to the laborers. Additionally automating the manufacturing process can detect system-related issues and suggest ways for reducing the issues. Robotics is one of the innovations that help to reduce the pressure of labour. This study has shed light on the purpose of robotic systems in automation manufacturing and known their impact on the manufacturing process. Accordingly, this article also talked about the types of robotic systems that are necessary for the manufacturing industry. In addition, this paper tries to analyze the collected data and also shines a light on the future application of robotics and its outcomes in the manufacturing industry. This paper has preferred the secondary qualitative process for the doing entire research work and it can be said that this is one of the smooth ways to get outstanding outcomes from this particular subject matter. Apart from this, robotics in automating applications is one of the curious subjects that help to gain more intellectual information to increase experiences for the future.

Cite this paper

Rubi, J. and Ahammad, M. M. (2021). Utilisation of Robotic Systems in Automating Manufacturing Applications While Reducing the Amount of Labour and Production Costs and Time Associated With the Process. Technoarete Transactions on Renewable Energy, Green Energy and Sustainability, e8845. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.36647/TTIRAS/02.01.A004.


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