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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Role of AI in Control System Design for Robotics

DOI: 10.36647/TTIRAS/01.01.A005, PP. 19-24

Subject Areas: Environmental Sciences

Keywords: AI, Cognitive technical system, robotics, control system, sensor, and industry

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In this study, the role of AI in controlling the robotic system has been discussed in a comprehensive manner. For executing this study, AI has been introduced with its features, implications and loopholes that directly affects the universal digital technology. Places and sectors that have adopted AI to bring growth have been discussed in this chapter. Nowadays different types of advanced technologies have been invented to track human body motion and other features that make people's life more easy and advanced. Here cognitive implementation of technical systems has been discussed briefly along with its loopholes that need improvement to overcome these barriers. Assistive kitchens with their equipped tools have been mentioned in this study with brief description and manufacturing and other business industries have also discussed here that adopt AI technology to bring growth.

Cite this paper

Gavaskar, J. S. and Venkateswari2, P. (2021). Role of AI in Control System Design for Robotics. Technoarete Transactions on Renewable Energy, Green Energy and Sustainability, e8842. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.36647/TTIRAS/01.01.A005.


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