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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Construction of Artificial Minds with a Probability Learning Model

DOI: 10.36647/TTIRAS/01.01.A003, PP. 11-14

Subject Areas: Environmental Sciences

Keywords: AI, probability learning model, artificial mind, machine learning

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The concept of AI has gained a lot of attention because of its contribution towards analysing data and thereby making optimal decisions during problem-solving. Many researchers after researching various AI theories have developed numerous AI technologies that are capable of making decisions in complex situations. However, human minds act optimally and sometimes make decisions that are rational and this leads researchers to develop a more advanced AI technology that can make rational decisions and fully imitate the human mind. Thus, in this article, a probability learning model has been proposed that is capable of making rational decisions. The findings of the research show that the selected model of Artificial Mind has the ability to make human-like decisions. The paper further examines the ways through which several problem-solving tools can be improved.

Cite this paper

Rajan, S. S. and Venkateswari, P. (2021). Construction of Artificial Minds with a Probability Learning Model. Technoarete Transactions on Renewable Energy, Green Energy and Sustainability, e8840. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.36647/TTIRAS/01.01.A003.


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