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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Impact of Malnutrition in Adults : A brief Review

DOI: 10.36647/IJANP/01.03.A004, PP. 12-13

Subject Areas: Food Science & Technology, Agricultural Science

Keywords: Malnutrition, Adults, Malabsorption

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Malnutrition refers to deficiencies, excess or imbalances in persons intake of energy and or nutrients. The term malnutrition addresses various forms as undernutrition, specific nutrients deficiencies and overnutrition. In adult’s malnutrition is a constant problem in India. Generally faced by the vulnerable and affluent groups of population. Malnutrition is quite prevalent in adults’ group in India. Malnutrition is not simply caused by lack or excess of foods but some other factors such as malabsorption, wrong timings, stress and social pressure. An adult may seem healthy but in fact may be malnourished. Malnutrition is more complex in adults a web of physical, emotional and psychological problems.

Cite this paper

Pathakk, D. A. and Pathak, T. (2021). Impact of Malnutrition in Adults : A brief Review. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRO NUTRIFOOD PRACTICES, e8658. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.36647/IJANP/01.03.A004.


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