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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


The Potential Risks of Genetically Altered Animals on the Environment

DOI: 10.36647/TTRRAMB/01.02.A005, PP. 25-30

Subject Areas: Microbiology, Biotechnology

Keywords: Animals, biodiversity, Ecological misbalance, Environment, GM technology

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The biotechnology is the technology with the research and innovation with the living cells and organisms. Introductory section deals with the The study has described the severe potential risk of environment that has been harmed by the GM technology of animals. Pros and cons both insights have been depicted in this study. On the basis of secondary data collected from peer reviewed journals has been interpreted here to justify the subject of the study. Biodiversity and ecological misbalance have been briefly discussed over here to evaluate the negative impact of GM technology in animals. Genetic modification also has been focused over here. Different disabilities of GM animals along with ecological misbalance also have been highlighted here. Strategies used by GM technology have been explored here to signify the study. Importance of the GM technology considering the development of current era also has been discussed over here. Risk assessment and risk management both are considered in this study to meet the objectives of the study. The study has significantly identified the potential risk factors conducted by the GM technology of animals that affect the environment.

Cite this paper

Dwivedi, D. V. and Sikkander, A. M. (2022). The Potential Risks of Genetically Altered Animals on the Environment. Technoarete Transactions On Recent Research In Applied Microbiology And Biotechnology, e8625. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.36647/TTRRAMB/01.02.A005.


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