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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Wastewater Treatment Plants: Operations and Characteristics

DOI: 10.36647/TTRRAMB/01.02.A003, PP. 14-19

Subject Areas: Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Biotechnology

Keywords: Atmosphere, Waste water treatment, water pollution

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The life process of the aquatic creatures has been faced most critical issues due to the escalating rate of water pollution through water wastages pour out from the industrial areas. Overall under water ecosystem most negatively impacted through the throw out of industrial waste water within the water bodies all around the globe. The process of waste water treatment plants most significantly provides the assistance to separate harmful elements from the water and reduce the water pollution rate in the atmosphere. The entire study has been performed to discuss the operations and characteristics of waste water treatment plants. It has also been analysed the impact of waste water treatment plants in the atmosphere. The qualitative type of data has been gathered using secondary data collection process to evaluate the topic. Data published in peer reviewed and authentic online sites published onwards 2019 has been taken within the inclusion criteria. The process of waste water treatment plants helps to separate pollutants and harmful chemical elements from the waste water. The entire study has been found that process of waste water treatment plants provides assistance to reduce water pollution but it involve with some risks associated with air pollution in the atmosphere.

Cite this paper

Sikkander, A. M. and Ramachandran, K. (2022). Wastewater Treatment Plants: Operations and Characteristics. Technoarete Transactions On Recent Research In Applied Microbiology And Biotechnology, e8623. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.36647/TTRRAMB/01.02.A003.


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