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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


A Study on the Application of the Film and television works about the law in Adult Legal Education

DOI: 10.47744/ber.v1n1.2020.07.09, PP. 50-57

Subject Areas: Sociology, Education

Keywords: Film and television works about the law, Adults, Legal education

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In the process of law popularization in China, law popularization educators have used various ways to popularize the law. The use of the rule of law in film and television productions to popularize the law has not been fully developed in a somewhat interesting way. The popularization of the rule of law in film and television works is in line with the cognitive laws of adults, after overcoming the lack of overall design, lack of training for teachers, copyright issues, it should be able to play a better role in the field of adult legal education.

Cite this paper

Zhang, G. (2020). A Study on the Application of the Film and television works about the law in Adult Legal Education. Barnard Education Review, e6391. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.47744/ber.v1n1.2020.07.09.


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