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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


An empirical study on the status quo and influencing factors of College students' sense of gain from ideological and political theory courses —Taking the Conspectus of Chinese Modern History course as an example

DOI: 10.47744/ber.v1n1.2020.07.06, PP. 30-40

Subject Areas: Sociology, Education

Keywords: Sense of gain from the Conspectus of Chinese Modern History Course, The status quo. Influencing factors, Countermeasures and Suggestions

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Taking the Conspectus of Chinese Modern History Course as an example, this study adopts the method of empirical research to explore the status quo and influencing factors of College students' sense of gain from ideological and political theory courses.A sample of 831 undergraduate students in school has carried on the questionnaire survey, the difference comparison, multiple regression, structural equation model analysis are used for data analysis, and the results show that college students' overall sense of gain from the Conspectus of Chinese Modern History Course is good, and there is no significant difference in gender and nationality, but there is a significant difference in major. Social support, family rendering and school teaching have a significant impact on college students' sense of gain in the Conspectus of Chinese Modern History Course. According to the research results, a series of Suggestions are provided on how to improve college students' sense of gain from the Conspectus of Chinese Modern History Course.

Cite this paper

Lu, L. and Wan, Q. (2020). An empirical study on the status quo and influencing factors of College students' sense of gain from ideological and political theory courses —Taking the Conspectus of Chinese Modern History course as an example. Barnard Education Review, e6388. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.47744/ber.v1n1.2020.07.06.


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