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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


The relationship between high school 9th graders' attitudes towards Physical Education and Sports and their levels of alienation from school

DOI: 10.18826/ijsets.95709, PP. 9-19

Subject Areas: Kinesiology, Sports Science, Education

Keywords: Physical Education and Sports,Attitudes scale,Alienation scale,Sporting events

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Aim: This study aims to investigate the relationship between the high school 9th graders' attitudes towards physical education & sports and their levels of alienation from school, both in terms of certain socio-demographic variables. Material and Methods: The relational screening model was used in the study. Totally 849 secondary school students (n=451 females and n=398 males) were participated by random sampling method among 9th graders studying at the secondary schools located in the Province of Balikesir, Turkey. Results: The Attitudes Toward Physical Education and Sports Scale and the Student Alienation Scale were 2.99±0.40# and 2.97±0.68# respectively. There were significant differences founded between Attitudes Toward Physical Education and Sports Scale and school achievement, participation in physical education classes, participation in the school team. There were also significant differences found between the mean alienation scores and average family income, school achievement. Conclusion: Students should participated in the sports activities and facilities in order to improve the Attitudes Toward Physical Education and Sports. School managers should do sports activities increasing the sense of belonging to school in order to decreasing of alienation level.

Cite this paper

Yanik, M. and Camliyer, H. (2015). The relationship between high school 9th graders' attitudes towards Physical Education and Sports and their levels of alienation from school. International Journal of Sport, Exercise & Training Sciences, e6860. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18826/ijsets.95709.


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