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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Velocities and Accelerations at the 3R Mechatronic Systems

DOI: 10.3844/ajeassp.2017.252.263, PP. 252-263

Subject Areas: Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Fire Protection Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Civil Engineering, Military Engineering

Keywords: Anthropomorphic Robots, Direct Kinematics, 3R Syste ms, Matrix Systems, Velocities, Accelerations

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This article presents an original method to determine the speeds and accelerations to structures MP R-3 The structure of the 3R (space) are known (required) rotation speeds of the triggers and must be determined speeds and accelerations of the endeffector M. Starting from the positions of direct kinematic system MP R-3deriving these system of relations in depending on the time, once and then a second time (the second derivation) is first obtains the speeds of the system and for the second time the accelerations endeffector point M. System on which must be resolved has three equations and three independent parameters to determine. Constructive basis is represented by a robot with three degrees of freedom (a robot with three axis of rotation). In the case where a study (analysis) a robot anthropomorphic with three axis of rotation (which represents the main movements, it is absolutely necessary), already has a system of the basis on which it can add other movements (secondary,). All calculations have been arranged and in the form of the array.

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Petrescu, R. V. V. , Aversa, R. , Akash, B. , Bucinell, R. B. , Corchado, J. M. , Berto, F. , Mirsayar, M. and Petrescu, A. A. A. F. I. T. (2017). Velocities and Accelerations at the 3R Mechatronic Systems. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, e492. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3844/ajeassp.2017.252.263.


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