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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


A review on challenges in synthesis of YFe2O4 multiferroics and their possible solution in comparison to BiFeO3

, PP. 136-144

Subject Areas: Inorganic Chemistry

Keywords: Genetic algorithm, Multi niche crowding, Polyalanines, Cysteine, Alanine

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The synthesis of YFe2O4 (YFO) is challenging because of high oxygen stoichiometry, it is a possible origin to realize the series of different phases at low temperature, balance of competing interaction between ions (Fe2+ and Fe3+) gives multiphase. The ionic radius of octahedral Fe-O which include, octahedral Fe-O inter atomic distances determined are for from the one expected for Fe2+ and Fe3+ octahedral ions and weak magnetic behavior and the transition temperature (250 K) also needs some improvement. These are the some difficulties, which were found during the synthesis of both room temperature multiferroics, which could be resolve by taking some major steps involves. The synthesis of multiferroic material can be improved by reducing its particle size, changing morphology by substitutional doping etc.

Cite this paper

Tiwari, A. and Agrawal, A. (2016). A review on challenges in synthesis of YFe2O4 multiferroics and their possible solution in comparison to BiFeO3. Chemistry Internatioanl, e5791.


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