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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Role of HR Manager in Developing Employee Engagement An Analysis

DOI: 10.36647/TTEBS/01.02.Art001, PP. 1-6

Subject Areas: Environmental Economics, Finance, Economic System, Business Communication, Behavioral Economics, Educational Economy and Management, Business and Economics Education

Keywords: Employee Engagement, Employee Motivation, HR Manager, HRM Practices

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In the global competitive marketplace, the effective role of the GR manager can help to improve the organisation’s current and potential development to continue the business based on their customer's needs. The organisation evaluates the importance of HR managers increasing knowledge about employee engagement to continue the business in the global marketplace. In this study, the researcher adopts the consumer electronics industry to discuss the entire industry’s development activities by requiring customer demand and satisfaction to hold the company’s current financial activity. This study focuses on the workplace environment, employee engagement, employee skills, and career progression to improve the organisation's business activity. This study focuses on the research methodology part that discusses the relevance of appropriate research design and methodology to enhance the entire research study. The present study adopts an explanatory research design and secondary quantitative research methods to gather data from the research articles. In this research study, based on the research objectives several themes have been generated to discuss the importance of HR managers for the development of an organisation’s financial condition. It also discusses the relevance of employee engagement through the HR manager to influence the organisation’s financial development. It enhances the workplace environment and employee engagement to improve employee satisfaction with the employee's roles and relevance.

Cite this paper

Balakrishnan, B. and Wani, G. A. (2022). Role of HR Manager in Developing Employee Engagement An Analysis. Technoarete Transactions on Economics and Business Systems, e8385. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.36647/TTEBS/01.02.Art001.


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