Total of 8 articles.


Jan 22, 2024Open    AccessArticle

Utilisation of Fraud Management System in Prevention of Financial Scam in the Banking Sector

Dr. J. Santosh Rupa
In this research article, many different types of strong and sustainable viewpoints about fraud management systems will be highlighted appropriately, to make proper understandings. Moreover, it will be signified in this paper that, Fraud is characteristic of many approaches, it is an overall emphasis in the search for patterns for the detection of fraud. Data scientists, on the other hand, can prevent insurance fraud using algorithms to detect patterns and irregularities. In addition, Premium mi...

Finance  Accounting 

Jan 22, 2024Open    AccessArticle

Social Responsibility of Corporate in Boosting Brand Image of an Organisation

Dr. V. Sornaganesh
As a result of corporate social responsibility, consumers are more inclined to remember the brand. Different techniques are being used by firms to improve the value of their intangible assets due to worldwide competition, a rise in media clutter, and a decreased level of uniqueness in brand names. CSR not only raises brand awareness among consumers but also generates a good image of the brand in the eyes of future customers. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a more frequent practi...

Finance  Accounting 

Jan 22, 2024Open    AccessArticle

Role of Financial Innovation in Achieving Economic Sustainability: A Review Study

Ali Meftah Gerged
Financial innovation accelerates the economic sustainability of firms by enhancing financial markets’ productivity, accelerating capital development, improving financial services, and creating more effective financial intermediation. This article, therefore, highlights the possible economic performance associated with applying different methods of financial innovation. Employing a desk study methodology, this paper discusses the effectiveness of financial innovation techniques in enhancing firms...

Finance  Accounting 

Jan 22, 2024Open    AccessArticle

Influence of Macroeconomic Variables (Balance of Payments, Inflation, Economic Growth, and Unemployment) in the Process of Policy-Making in a Country

Karpagavalli S
This paper mostly analyses the microeconomic variable effects in the economic structure of the country. The effects on unemployment and inflation decrease the economic growth of the country. For analysing the economic structure of the country, this research study has adopted secondary qualitative data analysis and a descriptive research design. In this case, unemployment and inflation are related to each other. Mostly unemployment increases then inflation decreases and if inflation decreases the...

Finance  Accounting 

Jan 22, 2024Open    AccessArticle

Impact of Portfolio Management to Balance the Implementation of Change Initiatives and the Maintenance of Business-as-Usual, While Optimizing Return on Investment

Priyadharshini Vijayakumar
The industrial pace is changing very rapidly, and the competitiveness is increasing too with globalization. Each business organization is finding a solution to find the best measure to gain the best potential profit of the business ignoring the obstacles. The research article has highlighted major issues related to the Portugal management. The aim of this study is to guide the potential benefit of the business through portfolio management. Purpose of this article has highlighted the impact and i...

Finance  Accounting 

Oct 27, 2023Open    AccessArticle

Role of HR Manager in Developing Employee Engagement An Analysis

Bajeesh Balakrishnan, Gowhar Ahmad Wani
In the global competitive marketplace, the effective role of the GR manager can help to improve the organisation’s current and potential development to continue the business based on their customer's needs. The organisation evaluates the importance of HR managers increasing knowledge about employee engagement to continue the business in the global marketplace. In this study, the researcher adopts the consumer electronics industry to discuss the entire industry’s development activities by requiri...

Behavioral Economics  Environmental Economics  Educational Economy and Management  Business Communication  Finance  Economic System  Business and Economics Education 

Sep 23, 2022Open    AccessArticle

Semi-Strong Efficient Market Hypothesis in Dividend Announcements on the IDX

Mersa Lestari Ningrum and Asep Risman
This research examines the semi-strong form of the market efficiency hypothesis in the context of dividend announcements on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), specifically good news in the form of an increase in dividend value over the previous year and bad news in the form of a decrease in dividend value over the previous year. This research aimed to see how dividend announcements affect stock prices and how efficient the market reaction is. The samples used in this study are the companies lis...

Supply Chain Management  Business Management  Human Resource Management  Sales Management  Risk Management  Finance  Technology And Innovation  Tourism Economy  Total Quality Management 

Sep 23, 2022Open    AccessArticle


Dania Elbashir
The importance of assessing financial performance lies in highlighting all financial and economic criteria needed to assess the project's success or failure in achieving its objectives. The scientific goals of this paper are the scientific description and classification of liquidity problems and their impact on the financial performance of economic service entities, especially the discovery of financial and economic factors of service projects and their scientific explanation. This paper aims to...

Law  Finance 
