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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Monitoring Sugarcane Growth Phases Based on Satellite Image Analysis (A Case Study in Indramayu and its Surrounding, West Java, Indonesia)

DOI: 10.4308/hjb.26.3.117, PP. 117-128

Subject Areas: Computational Biology, Agricultural Science, Plant Science

Keywords: Sugarcane, Landsat 8, Growth Phases, NDVI, ENDVI

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This study is intended to examine the growing phases and the harvest of sugarcane crops. The growing phases is analyzed with remote sensing approaches. The remote sensing data employed is Landsat 8. The vegetation indices of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Enhanced Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (ENDVI) are employed to analyze the growing phases and the harvest of sugarcane crops. Field survey was conducted in March and August 2017. The research results shows that March is the peak of the third phase (Stem elonging phase or grand growth phase), the period from May to July is the fourth phase (maturing or ripening phase), and the period from August to October is the peak of harvest. In January, the sugarcane crops begin to grow and some sugarcane crops enter the third phase again. The research results also found the sugarcane plants that do not grow well near the oil and gas field. This condition is estimated due as the impact of hydrocarbon microseepage. The benefit of this research is to identify the sugarcane growth cycle and harvest. Having knowing this, it will be easier to plan the seed development and crops transport.

Cite this paper

Susantoro, T. M. , Wikantika, K. , Harto, A. B. and Suwardi, D. (2019). Monitoring Sugarcane Growth Phases Based on Satellite Image Analysis (A Case Study in Indramayu and its Surrounding, West Java, Indonesia). HAYATI Journal of Biosciences, e3672. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4308/hjb.26.3.117.


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