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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Maggot Meal (Hermetia illucens) Substitution on Fish Meal as Source of Animal Protein to Growth, Feed Utilization Efficiency, and Survival Rate of Milkfish (Chanos chanos)

DOI: 10.4308/hjb.27.2.154, PP. 154-165

Subject Areas: Zoology, Aquaculture, Fisheries & Fish Science

Keywords: maggot, feed, growth, amino acid, fatty acid, milkfish (C. chanos)

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Maggot has a high protein content for increasing fish growth through artificial feed. This study aimed to find the best feed formulation for fish meal substitution with maggot meal on growth, feed utilization efficiency, and survival rate of milkfish (Chanos chanos). A completely randomized design was used with five treatments and three replications. The treatments which had been done were fish meal substitution with maggot meal as follows: A (0%), B (25%), C (50%), D (75%), and E (100%). The research parameters included total feed consumption (TFC), feed utilization efficiency (FUE), protein efficiency ratio (PER), relative growth rate (RGR), survival rate (SR), and water quality. The results showed that the fish meal substitution with maggot meal had a significant effect (p<0.05) on FUE, PER, RGR and had no significant effect (p>0.05) on TFC and SR. The best treatment of each treatment is in treatment C with a composition of 50% maggot meal substitution on fish meal which resulted in TFC value of 40.17±4.58, FUE of 27.51±0.77, PER of 0.83±0.03%, and RGR of 2.34±0.10. The highest nutrient content is in the same treatment, namely lysine 10.95% and linoleic fatty acid 8.06%.

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Herawati, V. E. , Pinandoyo, P. , Windarto, S. , Hariyadi, P. , Hutabarat, J. , Darmanto, Y. , Rismaningsih, N. , Prayitno, S. B. and Radjasa, O. K. (2020). Maggot Meal (Hermetia illucens) Substitution on Fish Meal as Source of Animal Protein to Growth, Feed Utilization Efficiency, and Survival Rate of Milkfish (Chanos chanos) . HAYATI Journal of Biosciences, e3656. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4308/hjb.27.2.154.


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