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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Implementation of SExI–FS (Spatially Explicit Individual-based Forest Simulator) Model using UAV Aerial Photo Data Case Study: Jatinangor ITB Campus

DOI: 10.4308/hjb.27.4.314, PP. 314-319

Subject Areas: Computational Biology, Ecosystem Science, Ecology

Keywords: 3D city model, dynamizer, 3D spatial-temporal, CityGML, SeXI-FS

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Landscape architecture affected by interaction between built and natural environment such as vegetation. Nowadays, landscape architects are using 3D city models for simulations, which requires highly dynamic and time-varying attributes. 3D city modelling structure has been standardized by CityGML, although researches that are related to the storing of dynamic data had been conducted for the past years, it has not been supported by any standard until this very moment. In dynamizer, it is added as a data structure into a CityGML structure that is already existed, although the existing structure is a static one. Kolbe’s research on dynamic data using CityGML called dynamizer could use the spatial data in more dynamic way by changing its geometric, thematic, or appearance data, but its purpose is not specific for trees or vegetation. In this paper, a method of simulating the vegetation growth using SeXI-FS will be discussed to show the dynamic changes that happen in vegetation as part of the dynamic changes in landscape architecture. The result of this research will be used to address the importance of information on vegetation by studying its changes in Jatinangor ITB Campus and as initial research to build dynamizer in CityGML for landscape architecture.

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Kastuari, A. , Suwardhi1, D. , Hanan, H. , Wikantika, K. , Harto, A. B. , Virtriana, R. and Trisyanti, S. W. (2020). Implementation of SExI–FS (Spatially Explicit Individual-based Forest Simulator) Model using UAV Aerial Photo Data Case Study: Jatinangor ITB Campus. HAYATI Journal of Biosciences, e3637. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4308/hjb.27.4.314.


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