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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Students on Sexual Life (Case of the Nsilwilo Institute in Manono)

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1108230, PP. 1-9

Subject Areas: Public Health

Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Sex Life Practice, Student, Manono

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Introduction: Premature and unwanted sex is often the basis of sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancies. Our objective is to contribute to the reduction of mortality as well as morbidity linked to irresponsible sexual relations, which remain a real public health problem. Methodology: We carried out a cross-sectional descriptive study involving 79 pupils in the 5th and 6th grades of the Nsilwilo school in Manono. Our sampling was exhaustive. Results: In our series, there were 79 students among whom 62 (78.5%) declared having had sexual intercourse; Students aged between 18 and 20 were more represented (64.6%); Male students were more represented than female students with 63.3% and 36.7% respectively. The Protestant religion was the most represented with 49 pupils among the 79 questioned, 62%; the majority of students come from a two-parent union (69.6%) followed by those from a single-parent union (21.5%) while those from a polygamous union represent 8.9%. Most students had their first sexual intercourse between the ages of 17 and 21 (50%) while 4 students (6%) did not specify the age of their first sexual intercourse. In 27% of cases, students had more than 5 intercourses against those who had only one. Thirty-four (34%) of the cases had intercourse with 2 to 3 sexual partners. Conclusion: Sexuality should not be viewed as taboo in homes as much as in schools.

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Bute, M. B. M. , Kapya, D. M. , Lukanda, J. B. , Mutungula, F. K. , Ndala, B. N. , Mwilambwe, C. N. , Mwamba, V. N. W. , Lubeji, T. M. , Ngoy, D. K. W. , Mazomena, P. P. and Kandolo, S. I. (2021). Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Students on Sexual Life (Case of the Nsilwilo Institute in Manono). Open Access Library Journal, 8, e8230. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1108230.


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