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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


The Role of Positive Meta-Cognition and Negative Meta-Cognition on Exam Anxiety of Postgraduate Students

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1106853, PP. 1-13

Subject Areas: Psychology, Education

Keywords: Test Anxiety, Positive Meta-Cognition, Negative Meta-Cognition, Postgraduate Re-Examination

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The present study was for the purpose of testing the role of positive meta-cognition and negative meta-cognition in test anxiety of postgraduate re-examination in Hangzhou Normal University. 206 college students from different cities, who attended postgraduate re-examination in Hangzhou Normal University, were recruited in China. The participants were asked to complete a set of questionnaires to measure their positive meta-cognition, negative meta-cognition and test anxiety before re-examination. The major results of the study were given as follows: model analysis suggested that positive meta-cognition could predict test anxiety more than negative meta-cognition. What’s more, PMCEQ and PMCEQ1 could predict SAI and TAI of test anxiety, whereas MCQ4 and MCQ2 of negative meta-cognition predicted SAI of test anxiety, and MCQ4 of negative meta-cognition predicted TAI of test anxiety. The results showed that positive meta-cognition played a more role in test anxiety than negative meta-cognition.

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Zhang, Y. , Cheng, S. and Che, Y. (2020). The Role of Positive Meta-Cognition and Negative Meta-Cognition on Exam Anxiety of Postgraduate Students. Open Access Library Journal, 7, e6853. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1106853.


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