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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721


Events in the Economy

DOI: 10.4236/oalib.1103631, PP. 1-8

Subject Areas: Economic System, Economics

Keywords: Economy, Events, Control, Information, Holism

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At the time of modeling the Czech macro-economy in the Czech Ministry of finance a non-econometric model was used. Thanks to this it was determined that among some parts of the economic system there exists a communication based upon repeating features—events. Afterward using these events the model was developed with a result to become an important instrument of the department of macroeconomic forecasts in the ministry [1]. At the same time a generalization of control mechanisms was made. The control of elements in the object similarly as their mutual communication stems upon complexes of information. These complexes-events are for every specialization of elements typical. On one side it goes about a simplifying description of the activity of an element used for needs of the control and on the other side it goes about a sufficiently complex description been not only exhaustive but also enough resistant against the noise in the system. The event is formed from a certain alphabet of activities and has a standard structure. There differ thus only letters of the alphabet been part of the event. Every element has for its event that characterizes it in the system of its typical time, too. This time is linked to the time of the system as whole and through this systemic time every element is synchronized. Then a formation and spreading of events over the structure of the system is a manifestation of this synchronization. As a result of this a new level of aggregation of information arises—an aggregation of events, a theorem. The control system makes on its basis an organization of the object in a manner to fulfill its main task—the maximization of the existence of the object.

Cite this paper

Vlcek, M. (2017). Events in the Economy. Open Access Library Journal, 4, e3631. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/oalib.1103631.


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