INGENIERIA DE ROCAS EN EL TUNEL DE CONDUCCION SUPERIOR DEL PROYECTO HIDROELéCTRICO PORCE III, COLOMBIAKeywords: rock engineering, rock mass, porce iii hydroelectric project, antioquia, colombia. Abstract: among all the underground excavations present at the porce iii hydroelectric project. the superior conduction tunnel is one of them. in this tunnel. a research project. compound by professionals and students of the national university of colombia- medellin headquarters. used compiled data of the discontinuity mapping of the rock mass. in order to use the numeric simulation as a tool: being this process part of the observational modeling approach. upon these data, after an analysis process apart of some heuristic considerations. it was possible to glimpse certain interesting aspects about the mechanical behavior of the rock mass. however. it was also observed that the employment of sophisticated analysis tools. as the computational stress-strain models. does not give significant results more than a good heuristic o empirical analysis may give. if during the planning tasks of monitoring. a systematic procedure of data acquiring was not defined. in the present article. the obtained results by this research project is described. and certain aspects about the data acquiring works are recommended. with the objective to obtain a better advantage of the tools that are in developing in the actual world state of practice.