FLUIDOS DIVERGENTES COMO ALTERNATIVA DE RECOBRO MEJORADO EN YACIMIENTOS NATURALMENTE FRACTURADOS: UN ESTUDIO EXPERIMENTALKeywords: fluids divergent, fractured reservoirs, petrophysics, porous medium, gas. Abstract: gas injection is widely used in fields of oil exploration as a method for enhanced recovery. however, this method may be inefficient when producer rock forming favors gas channeling due to heterogeneities. divergent fluids such as foams have been injected into this type of reservoirs to increase efficiency of scanning, either by reducing gas mobility or by blocking its flow through preferential channels, which can be individual fractures or natural fractures systems. this study aims to evaluate the efficiency of foams in gas channeling reduction and increase of oil recovery in natural fractured porous medium. a methodology is designed for lab evaluation of foam stability at high temperature, as well as coupling of foam solution and formation fluids, restricting channeling of gas through the fracture(s) and obtaining parameters for optimal performance of tests adjusting to similar reservoir conditions. using oil recovery as a parameter to measure efficiency of methods, we found that additional recovery is increased an average of 10% once fractures are closed with foam solution, in contrast to fracture closure by increasing of overload pressure. we could verify that foams act as an efficient fluid to block fractures which are common in the rock matrix. use of divergent fluids allows the increase of crude oil in fractured reservoirs.