METODOLOGIA PARA LA PROSPECCION DE NIQUEL UTILIZANDO TECNICAS DE SENSORES REMOTOSKeywords: laterite, remote sensing, geomorphology, geology, prospection, minerals resources, colombia. Abstract: remote sensing is a technique to carry out constantly, it's allowing best ever applications in earth sciences and, specially, for mineral resources prospecting. its spectral characteristics to enable satellite products every day, with greater spectral bands discrimination with images from 9 bands as landsat etm bands 9 to 250 bands of hyperspectral images, it's the spatial resolutions from 1 or more kilometers to the meteorological ones at a few centimeters as quickbird or ikonos. anyway their internet free availability and the release of a large number of processing programs facilitate the use of this technique. this work presents a methodological research development for nickel prospection using remote sensing techniques and geological and geomorphological indicators. the proposed methodology comprises five main stages, as follows: a) identification of remote sensing and digital processing of satellite images, b) definition of geological indicators, c) identification of geomorphic indicators, d) in definition of evaluation model prospects and e) application of results. this methodology was applied in the study for cerro matoso sa in colombia in 48 potential areas of study located in the physiographic region of the caribbean, the region or geotectonic area known as cauca - romeral and the pacific region.