SEGURIDAD EN LA CADENA DE SUMINISTRO BASADA EN LA NORMA ISO 28001 PARA EL SECTOR CARBóN, COMO ESTRATEGIA PARA SU COMPETITIVIDADKeywords: coal, colombia, supply chain, security, iso 28001:2007. Abstract: this article seeks to review and analyze the contribution and impact of supply chain and safety, based on the adoption of international standard iso 28001:2007, as a strategy to improve competitiveness and linkage to international markets for colombian coal. to achieve this goal, we review books, reports and articles, covering from the description of the mining sector in colombia to supply chain concepts and structure in the coal sector to analyze the impact of iso 28001:2007 in the competitiveness of this sector. once developed the article, you get that security in the supply chain is a strategy that can contribute to competitiveness in the colombian mining sector, but its implementation requires the company to structure and coordinate well the actors and process that make up the chain in colombia and world.