ANáLISIS DE LOS ALGORITMOS DE OPTIMIZACIóN MINERA: CONO FLOTANTE Y LERCHS-GROSSMANN UTILIZANDO GEMCOM SURPAC Y UPLKeywords: surface mining, optimization, algorithm, upl, lerchs-grossmann, final pit limit, limestone. Abstract: the final limits of an open-pit mine may be designed by using the diverse optimizing algorithms available, such as the floating cone and the lerchs and grossmann. these techniques are based on iterative processes, for which they have developed several computer programs that perform these processes. in this paper we will present the application of these two techniques in a hypothetical limestone deposite, by running two different computer tools: an excel macro called ultimate pit limit (upl), and surpac by gemcom. this hypothetical evaluation will finally lead to the comparison of the results obtained.