COMBINACIóN FIJ A DE CLASIFICADORES PARA LA DISCRIMINACIóN DE SE?ALES SíSMICAS VOLCáNICASKeywords: base classifiers, classifier combining, fusion, selection, fixed rules, nevado del ruiz. Abstract: seismic events have a large variety of classes, which are more or less observed depending on the volcano under study. in this paper, a classification method of seismic events at nevado del ruiz volcano by using fixed rules for combining classifiers is presented. it is aimed at exploiting data multiplicity in the registers taken by the volcanological and seismological observatory at manizales, which are recorded at different monitoring stations. the main objective is taking advantage of multiple training sets which are obtained from events that were registered simultaneously at several stations; this ensures data independence and, therefore, an increase in the performance of classifiers combined with product and sum rules.