VULNERABILIDAD A LA CONTAMINACIóN, ZONA SUR ACUIFERO DEL VALLE DEL CAUCA, COLOMBIAKeywords: vulnerability to the contamination, aquifer, index of superposition, hydrus 1d? model, valle del cauca, colombia. Abstract: the movement of a polluting agent from the surface of the ground to the aquifer can take days or to decades before the impact of the contamination is evident and until this moment great volumes of the aquifer are involved. thus the clearing functions, have a high economic cost almost always and its execution is quite expensive from the technical point of view. it is a this one then valid justification for a study of vulnerability to the contamination that determines the areas of greater and smaller susceptibility than has the system. the vulnerability to the contamination of the south zone of the valle del cauca was considered with six methods of index and superposition (avi, bgr, drastic, god, gods and paths) and a model of flow of zone unsaturated (hydrus 1d?). the results of the indexes were resisted with those of the hydrus 1d?, assuming that the scene closest to the reality was this one, since it includes variable parameters in the time that cannot be considered by the index, as it is the case of the variability of the humidity of the ground. no of the indexes completely talked back the results of the hydrus 1d?. some indices like bgr and gods, agreed with the hydrus 1d? in the location of zones of very high vulnerability; others like the god and avi, that describe an ample zone as very high vulnerability also includes this one zone of the hydrus 1d?.