PROVENIENCIA DEL MATERIAL CLáSTICO DEL COMPLEJO QUEBRADAGRANDE Y SU RELACIóN CON LOS COMPLEJOS ESTRUCTURALES ADYACENTESKeywords: quebrada grande formation, cordillera central, colombia. Abstract: the quebradagrande complex is constituted of a structural blocks group aligned northsouth whose common characteristic is to have an association of marine sediments and oceanic substratum of early cretaceous age. this lithology set is embedded between two blocs with metamorphic substratum: the arques complex at west and the cajamarca complex at east.a lithological feature of quebradagrande complex, often ignored in analyses of land, is its bimodal nature: volcanic affinity at west and continental at the east. the sectors most esterners have clastic material that are constituted of andesites, gabbros, diabasa, tuffs and sedimentary immature rocks; blocks east (often referred to the abejorral formation) have constituents of continental origin including shale and quartzite. the data are sound with the existence of a bloc of continental origin who contributed debris towards the easternmost part of the quebradagrande basin. additionally, the data do not show evidence of metamorphic substratum at west of this basin; instead suggested the presence of a volcanic arc. this removes the support models that suggest that the arques complex was present, with its current shape, at east of quebradagrande complex during the early cretaceous.