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ISSN: 2333-9721
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Functional and structural regeneration in the axolotl heart (Ambystoma mexicanum) after partial ventricular amputation

Keywords: partial ventricular amputation, heart, amphibian, contractile activity, axolotl, ambystoma, mexico.

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in the present study we evaluated the effect of partial ventricular amputation (pva) in the heart of the adult urodele amphibian (ambystoma mexicanum) in vivo on spontaneous heart contractile activity recorded in vitro in association to the structural recovery at one, five, 30 and 90 days after injury. one day after pva, ventricular-tension (vt) (16 ± 3%), atrium-tension (at) (46 ± 4%) and heart rate (hr) (58 ± 10%) resulted lower in comparison to control hearts. on days five, 30 and 90 after damage, values achieved a 61 ± 5, 93 ± 3, and 98 ± 5% (vt), 60 ± 4, 96 ± 3 and 99 ± 5% (at) and 74 ± 5, 84 ± 10 and 95 ± 10% (hr) of the control values, respectively. associated to contractile activity recovery we corroborated a gradual tissue restoration by cardiomyocyte proliferation. our results represent the first quantitative evidence about the recovery of heart contractile activity after pva in an adult urodele amphibian, indicating that the heart of a. mexicanum restores its functional capacity concomitantly to the structural recovery of the myocardium by proliferation of cardiomyocytes after pva. these properties make the heart of a. mexicanum a potential model to study the mechanisms underlying heart regeneration in adult vertebrates in vivo.


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