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ISSN: 2333-9721
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La importancia del diagnóstico multi-imagen en cardiología

Keywords: multi-imaging, cardiovascular imaging, pet, ccta, mri, méxico.

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cardiovascular imaging is one of the disciplines in cardiology with the most recent advances. this means that the teaching of cardiology must evolve in the same way. in 2009, the american college of cardiology published a statement, which points out that all of the cardiology residents must have basic training in every one of the cardiovascular imaging modalities available. ischemic heart disease is the main cause of death in the world, including mexico. up to 43% of the patients that suffered a myocardial infarction and up to 31% of the patients with sudden cardiac death had an almost normal nuclear myocardial perfusion study in the year before the event, thus evidencing the importance of a multi-imaging approach. with the better understanding of the pathophysiological processes of coronary artery disease, new techniques have been developed that allows the detection of this disease almost from the beginning, through the detection of endothelial dysfunction by positron emission tomography. later on, when the patient develops diffuse atherosclerosis, we can rely on the use of de coronary calcium score and the detection of atherosclerotic plaques with coronary computed tomography angiography. to detect the presence of myocardial ischemia, two methods are widely used: echocardiography and nuclear medicine. other options to identify myocardial ischemia are magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography, due to the development of the "dual source" and "flash" technologies. after an acute coronary event, cardiovascular imaging is useful for risk stratification and detection of myocardial viability, being the positron emission tomography the gold standard.


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