洞口县2023年出栏50头以上的养猪场2431户较2017年5254户数减少53.7%,出栏猪36.4万头较2017年101.6万头减少64.2%,栏舍面积31.9万m2较2017年94.8万m2减少66.4%,2023年养猪场栏舍利用率33.6%。文章分析了中小型猪场非瘟后没落的客观因素和主观因素。提出中小型猪场采取防疫消毒、自繁自养、降本增效、信息化管理、“公司 + 农户”代养转型升级、成立专业合作社抱团取暖等措施,来提高养猪效益和市场竞争力,供同行参考。
In 2023, the number of 2431 in pig farms with over 50 pigs sold in Dongkou County decreased by 53.7% compared to 5254 households in 2017. The number of pigs sold was 364,000, a decrease of 64.2% compared to 1,016,000 in 2017. The area of pig pens was 319,000 square meters, a decrease of 66.4% compared to 948,000 square meters in 2017. The utilization rate of pig pens in 2023 was 33.6%. The article analyzes the objective and subjective factors that contribute to the decline of small and medium-sized pig farms after non epidemic outbreaks. It is proposed that small and medium-sized pig farms adopt measures such as epidemic prevention and disinfection, self breeding and self raising, cost reduction and efficiency improvement, information management, transformation and upgrading of “company + farmer” proxy breeding, and establishment of professional cooperatives for group heating to improve pig farming efficiency and market competitiveness, which can provide reference for the peer.
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