In 2020, Suining County conducted an epidemiological survey on 96 sheep farms, collected 34 blood samples, and collected 1109 blood samples. Among them, 61 samples were positive for brucellosis, with a positive rate of 5.5%; among them, 477 blood samples from 16 sheep farms in Huangtukuang Town and Tangjiafang Town were tested, and 61 samples were positive for brucellosis, with a positive rate of 12.8%. All positive sheep for brucellosis are concentrated in Huangtukuang Town and Tangjiafang Town. 370 sheep from four positive sheep farms, including Liu Sibing and Zeng Rihong, were forcibly slaughtered for harmless treatment, and a compensation fund of 148,000 yuan was allocated for the slaughter. Suining County took appropriate measures to deal with brucellosis in 2020 and achieved good results in not having a single case of human infection with brucellosis. The 2020 Epidemiological Investigation Report on Sheep Brucellosis in Huangtukuang Town and Tangjiafang Town of Suining County has been written, providing important basis for the prevention and control of sheep brucellosis in seven surrounding counties of Shaoyang City and Huaihua City. And research and description were conducted on the pathological dissection diagnosis, laboratory diagnosis, and animal epidemiological investigation methods of sheep brucellosis. These can provide the reference for the peers.
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