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Two Cases of Sheep Brucellosis in Dongkou County in 2023 Epidemiological Investigation Report

DOI: 10.12677/acrpvm.2024.133009, PP. 51-57

Keywords: 布病,流行病学调查,样品采集,虎红平板凝集实验,检测,样品羊阳性率
, Epidemiological Investigation, Sample Collection, Tiger Red Plate Agglutination Test, Detection, Positive Rate of Sample Sheep

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The methods of epidemiological investigation of animal diseases include developing animal disease epidemiological survey forms, conducting inquiries and discussions, inspecting the site, conducting laboratory tests, conducting epidemiological analysis, and writing epidemiological investigation reports. From April to September 2023, two cases of Brucella were reported in Zhuanglian Village, Shuidong Town and Xinhe Village, Yanglin Town in Dongkou County. Two individuals were infected, both due to sheep being infected with brucella. A total of 108 sheep were collected from 6 households in the surrounding area, and 97 samples of sheep blood were collected, with a blood sample rate of 89.81%. Ten positive sheep were detected, with a sample sheep positive rate of 10.31%. 97 sheep positive for brucellosis and those in the same group were killed, and were carried out harmless treatment. And the purpose, methods, and previous experience of animal epidemiological investigations were studied. The epidemiological investigation report on sheep brucellosis in Dongkou County provides an important basis for the prevention and control of brucellosis in Shaoyang City, which can provide the reference for the peer.


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