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Research on Management and Economic Benefits of a Batch of Pigs in a Pig Farm in Tantou Town, Longhui County

DOI: 10.12677/acrpvm.2024.132005, PP. 24-30

Keywords: 批次化猪,管理,料肉比,猪肺疫,经济效益
Batch Pig
, Management, Feed to Meat Ratio, Pig Lung Disease, Economic Benefits

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本文通过隆回县滩头镇某猪场一个批次化猪饲养和管理情况,做1个剖析,研究其饲料营养水平、猪场管理水平和疫病防治效果。结果显示:此批次猪共进猪苗2981头,出栏2834头,死亡147头,死亡率4.93%,则育肥猪成活率95.07%,一级品率97.85%,料肉比3.09:1,日增重813.76 g,猪场纯收入1,866,494元,每头猪获利656.61元。此批次化猪疫病居于第一位的猪肺疫疫情延误治疗和发病率死亡率高,影响了此批次猪的经济效益,是由于没有免疫猪肺疫疫苗和对猪肺疫腹式呼吸型诊断失误所致。为此,对猪肺疫的诊断预防治疗做了一个综述。并对此批次化猪生产成绩与报道的批次化猪生产成绩进行比较,对目前国内批次化猪管理(特别是非洲猪瘟背景下)进行了较深入的研究,供同行参考。
This article analyzes the feeding and management situation of a batch of pigs in a pig farm in Tantou Town, Longhui County, and studies its feed nutrition level, pig farm management level, and disease prevention and control effect. The results showed that a total of 2981 piglets were imported, 2834 were sold, 147 died, and the mortality rate was 4.93%. As a result, the survival rate of fattening pigs was 95.07%, the first grade rate was 97.85%, the feed to meat ratio was 3.09:1, the daily weight gain was 813.76 g, and the net income of the pig farm was 1,866,494 yuan, with a profit of 656.61 yuan per pig. The delayed treatment and high incidence rate and mortality rate of this batch of pig epidemic, which ranked first in this batch of pig epidemic, affected the economic benefits of this batch of pigs, which was due to the lack of immunization against pig epidemic vaccine and the failure to diagnose the abdominal respiratory type of pig epidemic. Therefore, a review was conducted on the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of porcine pulmonary disease. And compared the batch pig production results with the reported batch pig production results, in-depth research on the current batch pig management in China (especially under the background of African swine fever) was conducted, providing reference for peer.


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