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Research on the Prevention of Difficult Childbirth in Sows and Midwifery Techniques

DOI: 10.12677/acrpvm.2024.132004, PP. 17-23

Keywords: 母猪难产,产道狭窄,胎位不正,B超诊断,体成熟配种,铁钩法,剖腹产
Sow Dystocia
, Narrow Birth Canal, Malposition, B-Ultrasound Diagnosis, Mature Mating, Iron Hook Method, Cesarean Section

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According to the investigation of 11 pig farms, including Neiyuetao Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Co., Ltd. in Suining County, the proportion of sows with difficulty in production is about 2%, causing certain economic losses to the pig farms. The causes of difficult childbirth in sows include narrowing of the birth canal, incorrect fetal position, excessive fetal size in some individuals, sexual maturity and mating of initial sows, excessive lean and fat sows, severe constipation in sows, and improper nutrition management in breeding. It is necessary to control it from the source, and targeted measures such as early pregnancy and fetal number diagnosis by B-ultrasound in sows, rectal flushing of constipated sows, mature mating of initial sows, and nutritional regulation should be taken to correct the transverse abdominal position transversal fetal position, pig trapping method, iron hook method, cesarean section and other midwifery techniques are used to assist delivery and reduce economic losses in pig farms. Suining County investigated 12 cases of cesarean section surgery, with 8 successful cases and a success rate of 67%, for peer reference.


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