The purpose of this work is to present an effective tool for computing different QR-decompositions of a complex nonsingular square matrix. The concept of the discrete signal-induced heap transform (DsiHT, Grigoryan 2006) is used. This transform is fast, has a unique algorithm for any length of the input vector/signal and can be used with different complex basic 2 × 2 transforms. The DsiHT is zeroing all components of the input signal while moving or heaping the energy of the signal to one component, for instance the first one. We describe three different types of QR-decompositions that use the basic transforms with the T, G, and M-type complex matrices we introduce, as well as without matrices but using analytical formulas. We also present the mixed QR-decomposition, when different type DsiHTs are used in different stages of the algorithm. The number of such decompositions is greater than 3(N-1), for an N × N complex matrix. Examples of the QR-decomposition are described in detail for the 4 × 4 and 6 × 6 complex matrices and compared with the known method of Householder transforms. The precision of the QR-decompositions of N × N matrices, when N are 6, 13, 17, 19, 21, 40, 64, 100, 128, 201, 256, and 400 is also compared. The MATLAB-based scripts of the codes for QR-decompositions by the described DsiHTs are given.
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