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An Introduction to Lie Groups

DOI: 10.4236/alamt.2020.103004, PP. 35-51

Keywords: Groups, Subgroups, Lie Groups, Invariant Vector Fields, The Exponential Map

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This paper is made out of necessity as a doctoral student taking the exam from Lie groups. Using the literature suggested to me by the professor, I felt the need to, in addition to that literature, and since there was more superficial in that book with some remarks about the examples given in relation to the left group. I decided to try a little harder and collect as much literature as possible, both for the needs of me and the others who will take after me. Searching for literature in my mother tongue I could not find anything, in English as someone who comes from a small country like Montenegro, all I could find was through the internet. I decided to gather what I could find from the literature in my own way and to my observation and make this kind of work. The main content of this paper is to present the Lie group in the simplest way. Before and before I started writing or collecting about Lie groups, it was necessary to say something about groups and subgroups that are taught in basic studies in algebra. In them I cited several deficits and an example. The following content of the paper is related to Lie groups primarily concerning the definition of examples such as The General Linear Group GL(n, R), The Complex General Linear Group GL(n, C), The Special Linear Group SL(n, R)=SL(V), The Complex Special Linear Group SL(n, C), Unitary and Orthogonal Groups, Symplectic Group, The groups R*, C*, S1 and Rn and others. In addition, invariant vector fields and the exponential map and the lie algebra of a lie group. For me, this work has the significance of being useful to all who need it.


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