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ISSN: 2333-9721
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-  2019 


DOI: 10.1177/0284185118778875

Keywords: Cardiac,computed tomography,CT,stents,image manipulation/reconstruction,iterative reconstruction,IMR

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Advanced knowledge-based iterative model reconstructions (IMR) became recently available for routine computed tomography (CT). Using more realistic physical models it promises improved image quality and potential radiation dose reductions, both possibly beneficial for non-invasive assessment of coronary stents. To evaluate the influence of different IMR settings at different radiation doses on stent lumen visualization in comparison to filtered back projection (FBP) and first-generation (hybrid) iterative reconstruction (HIR). Ten coronary stents in a coronary phantom were examined at four different dose settings (120?kV/125?mAs, 120?kV/75 mAs, 100?kV/125?mAs, 100?kV/75?mAs). Images were reconstructed with stent-specific FBP and HIR kernels and with IMR using CardiacRoutine (CR) and CardiacSharp (CS) settings at three different iteration levels. Image quality was evaluated using established parameters: image noise; in-stent attenuation difference; and visible lumen diameter. Image noise was significantly lower in IMR than in corresponding HIR and FBP images. At lower radiation doses, image noise increased significantly except with IMR CR3 and IMR CS3. Visible lumen diameters were significantly larger with IMR CS than with FBP, HIR, and IMR CR. IMR CR showed the smallest attenuation difference, while attenuation was artificially decreased extensively with IMR CS. FBP and HIR showed moderately increased in-stent attenuations. No relevant influence of used radiation doses on visible lumen diameters or attenuation differences was found. IMR CR reduces image noise significantly while offering comparable stent-specific image quality in comparison to FBP and HIR and therefore potentially facilitates stent lumen delineation. Utilization of IMR CS for stent evaluation seems unfavorable due to artificial image alterations


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